How the yoga asana helps in Fertility?

Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Though many think of yoga only as a physical exercise where people twist, turn, stretch, and breathe in the most complex ways, these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul.

Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)

The Paschimottanasana stimulates the ovaries and uterus. The forward bend stretches the muscles at the lower back, hips and hamstrings. This particular yoga for fertility relives stress, depression and it will gradually improve fertility levels in you.

Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)

In Hastapadasana you have to bend forward touching the hand to the feet. It stretches all the important muscles of the back and this will improve the blood supply to the pelvic region and nervous system. This bend helps relieve stress from the abdomen region and make the spinal cord more flexible.

Janu Shirasana (One-Legged Forward Bend)

Janu Shirasana will be very useful during pregnancy as it will strengthen your lower back muscles. When properly executed, this yoga pose is very relaxing and releases tension from the lower back. It effectively stretches the calves and the hamstrings, making them very supple.

Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose):

The Baddha Konasana improves the flexibility in your private part and hip regions, as it stretches the inner thighs, genital and knees. It helps release any toxins and negative energy in the areas of hip and groin. Your pelvis, abdomen and back are stimulated by plentiful blood supply. The flapping of thighs also increases sperm count in men. For women, coupled with Sarvangasana, it aids the ovaries to function properly and removing irregular menses. This pose not only increases fertility levels but also ensures a smoother delivery, if practiced till late pregnancy.

This position, Viparita Karani,relieves backache and improves the flow of blood to the pelvic region. As this pose stretches the back of the neck, front torso and back of the legs, it easily helps in relaxing your feet and tired legs. Even with a decent fertility rate, you can increase the chances of conception by relaxing in this posture after sex.

Balasna (Child’s Pose):

In this pose, the muscles of hips, thighs and ankles are stretched and strengthened. It calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue, and in better alignment of pelvis and increase blood flow, which is important to increase fertility rate in the body.

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